How Mobile Games produce real-world outcomes for leading Consumer Brands

January 2, 2024

1 mins read

Felix Harms

How Mobile Games produce real-world outcomes for leading Consumer Brands

As marketing professionals, we're always on the lookout for effective and innovative ways to engage audiences and forge meaningful connections with our brands. That's where the world of Mobile Gaming comes into play. 

Mobile Games have long transcended their entertainment origins and become a powerful channel for marketing and branding efforts. They have a remarkable ability to bring real-world outcomes; fostering engagement, positive emotions, and stronger brand relationships. The diversity of mobile gamers across demographics, interests, and preferences provides marketers with a golden opportunity to tap into an engaged and receptive audience.

In this article, we'll delve into the exciting realm of gaming and explore how it can revolutionize your marketing strategy. We'll also discuss actionable techniques, such as voucher codes, contests, in-market scanning, and on-site check-ins, to leverage gaming for your brand.

The Power of Gaming in Marketing and Branding

Data from a recent Ad Alliance study reveals that 46% percent of mobile gamers play 3+ hours per week: Smartphone games captivate users' attention far more often and for longer than traditional ads. By connecting their brand to this enjoyable playtime, companies can enhance their perception as innovative, fun, and customer-centric.

Engagement: The Heartbeat of Effective Marketing

Engagement is the lifeblood of any successful marketing campaign. Games are immersive and captivating by nature, holding players’ attention for extended periods. By integrating your brand into gaming experiences, players become active participants, spending quality time interacting with your brand. 

This engagement doesn't just build brand awareness; it fosters a genuine connection and leaves a lasting impression: Research shows a 30% increase in brand recognition after seeing it in games.

Elicit Positive Emotions and Trigger Action through Games

Games are designed to evoke emotions - excitement, joy, challenge, and satisfaction. When your brand becomes part of this emotional journey, it has the potential to create memorable, positive experiences for your audience. This positive interaction with brands in mobile games translates into real-world results: A study by Ad Alliance found that +16% of players seek more information
after in-game brand encounters and 
+7% even recommend the brand to other people.

Implement strategies such as voucher codes, sweepstakes, or scavenger hunts within the gaming environment. This not only keeps players engaged but also encourages them to actively seek out and interact with your brand, fostering a sense of loyalty and trust.

Build Stronger Brand Relationships with First-Party Data

In the world of marketing, relationships matter. Games provide a unique opportunity to build stronger brand relationships by involving your audience in an interactive, two-way dialogue. 

And gaming apps are a source for first-party consumer data: According to data from Adjust, as of Q2 2023, the gaming vertical has the highest ATT opt-in rate at 37%. These insights into user preferences and their behavior enable brands to tailor the personal relationship more effectively across all channels and marketing efforts.

Real-World Examples: Leveraging Mobile Games for Brand Interaction

Let's look at some real-world examples of how brands have successfully integrated gaming into their marketing strategies:

Voucher Codes:

Many brands offer in-game voucher codes as rewards for completing specific tasks or challenges. Players are incentivized to interact with the brand to redeem these codes, resulting in increased brand engagement.

Network Effects:

Encourage players to participate by beating scores on a leaderboard, have them compete in a tournament against friends and family, and share their gaming achievements on social media to expand your brand's reach. Hosting gaming contests or sweepstakes with attractive prizes can generate additional buzz around your brand. 

Loyalty and Reward Programs:

Incentivize players to sign up for your newsletter or loyalty program by offering in-game rewards, such as bonus levels or special items for their characters. Brands with native apps can encourage downloads from players and connect accounts from existing customers to collect data on their gaming habits for valuable insights on consumer behavior.

On-Site Check-Ins:

For brick-and-mortar businesses, inviting players to check in at your physical location within a game can boost foot traffic and create a sense of community around your brand.

Games have emerged as a dynamic avenue for marketers to engage audiences, evoke positive emotions, and cultivate stronger brand relationships. By integrating gaming elements into your marketing strategy, such as voucher codes, contests, in-market scanning, and on-site check-ins, you can harness the power of gaming to achieve real-world outcomes for your brand. As Ad Alliance's data reveals, gamers are not only receptive but also appreciative of brands that become part of their gaming experiences. 

Embrace the gaming revolution, and watch your marketing and branding efforts reach new heights. Game on!

Are you ready to build a deeper connection with your audience?

At Tabbler, we enable massive reach and growth for consumer brands through fully branded mobile games for iOS + Android. Here’s how we deliver real-world outcomes: 

  1. Guaranteed Reach to your Target Audience: Simply put, think of Tabbler as a media channel, not a game studio. We understand that media effectiveness is what matters to you. That’s why scaling your Brand Game is a key part of our service: We leverage the ideal combination of distribution networks to reach your specified audience. And our pay-per-install model ensures that you only pay for actual downloads. 
  2. 60+ Minutes of Undivided Attention: People like to play - what they don’t like are interruptions from ads. That’s why we build fully branded games, which integrate your brand naturally into the gameplay and engage your audience while reflecting your brand’s aesthetic, story, and values. It’s an authentic and immersive brand experience for your consumers, fully contributing towards your brand equity.
  3. Tailored to your Marketing Funnel: We work closely with your team to create Brand Games tailored to your brand’s needs: You tell us about your objectives and existing or planned campaigns, we bring it to life on your audience’s screens. Our mobile game experts know the right game mechanics to enable results across your entire funnel, from brand awareness, to reward program sign-ups and first-party data, to personalized coupons and cross-purchases.

You concentrate on your marketing goals while we handle everything else: With our end-to-end service package. Based on extensive game development experience including from our sister companies at the Applike Group, our iterative game development process is designed to be efficient and effective from ideation to launch and scaling. And to keep users coming back for numerous brand interaction opportunities, our skilled game designers craft visually stunning, enjoyable, and challenging games.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, traditional marketing techniques need a revamp. Integrating gaming into your brand strategy isn’t just innovative; it’s becoming essential for real-word results. At Tabbler, we are committed to helping you harness this power to create lasting, engaging connections with your consumers.

Read more about the benefits of mobile gaming for modern branding and marketing teams:

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